Hay una cierta trivialidad en vivir aquí,
Una ligereza, cómica monotonía que intentamos
Socavar con muestras de energía, una devoción
A los caprichos del deseo, mientras que allá
Hay una seriedad, una rígida, inflexible oscuridad
Que cubre el alma al esfumarse, un peso
Que avergüenza nuestra ligereza. Solo mira
Al otro lado del río y descubrirás
Qué indigno eres, a medida que describes lo que ves,
Asido a aquello de lo que se dispone.
Desde la otra orilla, nadie mira en esta dirección.
Están comprometidos con los obstáculos,
Con la textura y los niveles de la oscuridad,
Con la tediosa representación de la duración.
Y ellos trabajan, no por alimento o amor,
Sino para perpetuar el balance entre el pasado
Y el futuro. Ellos son el futuro en la medida en
Que se prolonga, igual que nosotros somos
El pasado reconciliado. Razón por la cual planchamos
Las servilletas, y llega a tiempo el postre, y la razón
Por la que el vaso de leche, fino en su blancura,
Nos ruega que bebamos de él. Nada de esto ocurre
Allá. Lo que nos alivia es visto como
Medroso, símbolo de superficialidad o algo peor.
Estamos aquí, en Labrador. Siempre había querido
Estar aquí, especialmente contigo,
En esta cabana, y el fuego alumbrando. Llevas
Puesto un traje Calvin Klein y yo visto
La chaqueta de terciopelo del esmoquin de mi padre. Nada más.
¿Por qué? Porque estoy contento. Y atento
Al primer indicio tuyo de que es hora de irnos
A la cama. Estos momentos previos al amor
Son los más felices de mi vida. Me pregunto si
Formaremos parte de alguna predicción de lo que
El mundo pudiera ser en su mejor momento,
Si en este frío paisaje libre de compras
Nos dirigimos hacia donde va el mundo.
O si somos parte del registro de lo ya
Ido, un signo de las profundidades
En las que el mundo se hundió. Tu lujoso traje,
Mi chaqueta raída, esta cabaña sin agua
Corriente, ni una estufa en condiciones, ni estéreo ni televisor
Pudieran significar tan solo una broma en la suma
Final de los logros a reclamar
Algún día lejano. Aun así, aquí estamos
Y eso no pueden quitárnoslo,
Y si se ríen, qué importa, aquí estamos
Felices en Labrador, bailando hasta el amanecer.
Mark Strand (Summerside, Isla del Príncipe Eduardo, Canadá 1934 - Nueva York, E.E.U.U., 2014)
(Traducción: Jeannette L. Clariond)
There is a certain triviality in living here,
A lightness, a comic monotony that one tries
To undermine with shows of energy, a devotion
To the vagaries of desire, whereas over there
Is a seriousness, a stiff, inflexible gloom
That shrouds the disappearing soul, a weight
That shames our lightness. Just look
Across the river and you will discover
How unworthy you are as you describe what you see,
Which is bound by what is available.
On the other side, no one is looking this way.
They are committed to obstacles,
To the textures and levels of darkness,
To the tedious enactment of duration.
And they labor not for bread or love
But to perpetuate the balance between the past
And the future. They are the future as it
Extends itself, just as we are the past
Coming to terms with itself. Which is why .
The napkins are pressed, and the cookies have come
On time, and why the glass of milk, looking so chic
In its whiteness, begs us to sip. None of this happens
Over there. Relief from anything is seen
As timid, a sign of shallowness or worse.
It is true, as someone has said, that in
A world without heaven all is farewell.
Whether you wave your hand or not,
It is farewell, and if no tears come to your eyes
It is still farewell, and if you pretend not to notice,
Hating what passes, it is still farewell.
Farewell no matter what. And the palms as they lean
Over the green, bright lagoon, and the pelicans
Diving, and the glistening bodies of bathers resting,
Are stages in an ultimate stillness, and the movement
Of sand, and of wind, and the secret moves of the body
Are part of the same, a simplicity that turns being
Into an occasion for mourning, or into an occasion
Worth celebrating, for what else does one do,
Feeling the weight of the pelicans' wings,
The density of the palms' shadows, the cells that darken
The backs of bathers? These are beyond the distortions
Of chance, beyond the evasions of music. The end
Here we are in Labrador. I've always
Wanted to be here, especially with you,
In this cabin, with a fire blazing. You are
Wearing a Calvin Klein suit and I am in
My father's velvet smoking jacket. That's all.
Why? Because I am happy. And I am ready
For the first sign from you that we should
Get into bed. These moments of giddy anticipation
Are the happiest of my life. I wonder if we
Are not part of someone's prediction of what
The world could be at its very best, if we,
In this frigid landscape free of shopping
Opportunities, are where the world is headed?
Or maybe we are part of the record of what
Has already happened, and are a sign of the depths
To which the world sank? Your costly suit,
My shabby jacket, this cabin without indoor
Plumbing or decent stove or stereo or TV
May be no more than a joke in the final
Tally of accomplishments to be claimed
At some late date. Still, here we are
And they can't take that away from us,
And if they laugh, so what, we're here,
Happy in Labrador, dancing into the wee hours.
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